We believe that the world longs to live a life full of meaning, importance, purpose, and joy. People look to their careers, family, friends, and hobbies to create that life for them. But what if those things were never meant to create or sustain the life we long for? 

Jesus said the secret to experiencing the life and joy He created us for is to
“abide in the vine.” This is the way to “life and life to the full.”

Jesus invites each of us now and empowers us, through the Holy Spirit, to be with him, to become like him, and do as He did, so that we might learn to live in his love and be useful as a gift to bless and care for the world around us.

Through God’s love for us, He invites us to play a role in our transformation. Our growth won’t just happen by accident. The Holy Spirit goes before us and works in us but will not shape us in areas we are not willing to hand over. So, as we grow confident in God’s vision for life, our first step is to trust him and commit to follow him with our everyday, normal lives.

Through our heart, soul, mind, and strength, we can love God with all our entire life. A simple tool to help us build our lives around that desire is called a Way of Life. Simply put, a Way of Life is a plan to follow Jesus. 

At Hill City, we want to practice the way of Jesus together. Therefore, we have committed to nine practices that will help us “abide in the vine.” You can choose how to implement these practices in your own life based on your own phase of life and stage of discipleship.

You can click below to download our Way of Life template and scroll further to learn more about the practices (more on this coming soon).