Let’s Work Together!

  • Position Description:

    The Next Gen Ministry Director provides vision and leadership to the children and student ministries of Hill City, including program development, volunteer coordination, vision implementation, age-appropriate spiritual formation, and overall ministry direction. 

    The Next Gen Director will come alongside families and their children to help them be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. This person will lead a team of volunteers to provide effective kids and student ministries, which is vital to the overall vision of Hill City and the spiritual formation of children.

    Reporting Relationship:

    Lead Pastor


    Full Time

    Working Relationships:

    The Next Gen Director works closely with the Kid’s Curriculum Coordinator and other staff at Hill City.


    The Next Gen Director demonstrates a growing faith and a commitment to living out the practices of Jesus. 


    1. Education: Bachelor's degree desired involving the education of children.

    2. Experience: A demonstrated ability to build and lead teams, cast vision, develop strategic plans, and manage day-to-day operations. At least 3 years experience teaching children or students in a ministry or educational setting. 

    3. Requirements: Attend Hill City Church, affirm the mission, vision, values, and theology of Hill City, and live in or are willing to move to the Farmington Hills area.

    4. Characteristics: Must be mature and maturing in faith, grounded in daily disciplines (prayer, Bible reading, etc.), committed to the mission of God, an example in sharing their life with others (fellowship), and discerning in matters of faith and life. 

    5. Competencies: Has to be a proven organizer and gatherer. Someone who has experience successfully leading groups and/or a discipleship/spiritual formation ministry. Has general knowledge and experience in the area of groups & spiritual formation. Passionately pursues spiritual health through the practice of the spiritual disciplines. Is biblically and theologically educated.

    6. Chemistry: Must fit with Hill City Staff and appreciate the culture of Hill City. Is a proven team player who supports the different ministries of the church.

    7. Calling: Views this role as a ministry rather than a “job” and feels confident that God has directed them to this role.



    • Plan and lead programming for kid’s ministry and student ministry programs where children and students experience the presence of God.

    • Schedule volunteers for weekly kids ministry program and weekend service security team.

    • Oversee preparation of curriculum and services for the different kid’s areas to help children become fully formed followers of Jesus.

    • Assist in room set up for services and liaise with the Set Up and Tear Down Team

    • Follow up with visiting kids and their families.

    • Oversee/facilitate Next Gen ministry administration, logistics, and budget.


    • Recruit and train a team of committed volunteers who understand, model, and practice the values and vision of Hill City Church.

    • Prioritize leaders and provide ongoing care for Hill City Kids families and volunteers.

    • Commitment to continually learn the most effective ways to reach children and their families.


    • Develop a discipleship pathway (Way of Life) for a child’s spiritual formation so that they can live out their faith daily.

    • Encourage and equip families in their role as the primary influencers of their child’s faith. Provide or develop tools to assist families in this endeavor and partner with other Hill City staff in this pursuit.

    • Participate in Hill City’s Formation Pathway.


    • Establish and build strategic partnerships with parents, schools, and community organizations in the Farmington Hills area.

    • Attend and participate in Hill City’s weekly staff meetings and various other staff meetings.

    • Attend weekend services in order to worship and be present to shepherd the people of Hill City Church.


    The Student Ministries Director helps to shepherd and lead the middle school and high school ministries of Hill City Church. This person is responsible for coming alongside students and their families to equip them to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did.

    The job of the Student Ministries Director is to plan, execute, and equip all elements of a student ministries program. This will include a formation pathway for students that invites them to be formed into the image of Jesus in community with one another.


    Reports to the Lead Pastor


    Part-time with an opportunity to grow into full-time


    The Student Ministries Director works closely with the Lead Pastor and other staff at Hill City but has a close working relationship with the Student Ministries Pastor of Oak Pointe Church Novi as a member of the family of churches.  


    The Student Ministries Director demonstrates a growing faith in Jesus and has a commitment to living out the practices of Jesus.


    • Education: Bachelors degree required. Bible or ministry degree preferred.

    • Experience: A demonstrated ability to build and lead teams, cast vision, develop strategic plans, and manage the day-to-day operations of a thriving student ministry.  

    • Requirements: Attend Hill City Church, affirm the mission, vision, values, and theology of Hill City, and live in or are willing to move to the Farmington Hills area.

    • Characteristics: Must be mature and maturing in faith, grounded in daily practices (scripture, prayer, etc.), committed to the mission of God, an example of sharing their life with others (fellowship), and discerning in matters of faith and life.

    • Competencies: Has to be a proven organizer and gatherer. Strong ability to communicate God’s Word, lead adults, and connect to students and families. Passionately pursues spiritual health through the practice of the spiritual disciplines.

    • Chemistry: Must fit with Hill City staff and appreciate the culture of Hill City. Is a proven team player who supports the different ministries of the church.

    • Calling: Views this role as a ministry rather than a “job” and feels confident that God has directed them to the role and position.


    • Programming

      • Plan, design, lead, and evaluate student ministries program

      • Lead programming team for ministry night

      • Write and deliver messages

      • Develop others who will occasionally teach in student ministries (i.e. interns)

      • Prepare and execute games and activities

      • Equip life group leaders for discussion in groups

      • Plan, design, lead, and evaluate camps and retreats for middle and high school students

      • Plan, design, lead, and evaluate outreaches (about 3-4 per year) for students and their friends

      • Promote events via announcements, social media, mailings, website, etc.

      • Oversee maintenance of the ministry website

      • Communicate with staff, parents, students, and church via letters, emails, and social media sites

      • Be a student of the current trends in youth and next-generation ministries

    • Equipping

      • Plan, design, lead, and evaluate Ministry Team (student leaders) Kickoff and monthly meetings

      • Plan, design, lead, and evaluate Team Member (volunteer) Kickoff and monthly meetings

      • Shepherd and lead team members, students, and parents

      • Train team members and students to do what Jesus did in their community

      • Recruit and interview new adult team members

      • Equip team members to pour into students and other leaders who will then be capable of pouring themselves into others

    • Staff

      • Attend and participate in Hill City’s weekly staff meetings and various other staff meetings

      • Attend weekend services to worship and be present to shepherd the people of Hill City Church

If you are interested in applying for any of these positions, please email your resume to info@thisishillcity.com. We will gather resumes through the end of November and begin interviews in December.